We are back!!! (Kind of.) PSB is a teeny, tiny little organization. We have been primarily run by three volunteers who also work full-time in child welfare. In the past year, one volunteer relocated to northern Wisconsin and the remaining two had babies. Hence why there has been a bit of a hiatus. During this period, we have been able to ensure foster children still receive PSB care packages. However, (as many of you may have noticed) we struggled a bit keeping up with communications.
That being said, please be patient with us if we are taking a bit to get in contact. Facebook messages are likely the best way to communicate for right now. Also, let us know if you are interested in helping with PSB! We would be looking for individuals willing and able to commit time consistently. Likely a few hours per month.
And thank you all for continuing to support PSB and make sure every child entering out of home care has with them belongings they can all their own!